In these scenarios, cleaning the drive completely and creating a new partition with the correct settings are likely to fix the problem. On Windows 10, you can quickly fix this problem with your USB flash drive, SD card, or another removable drive using a few PowerShell commands. In this guide, you will learn the steps to use PowerShell commands to repair any USB flash drive that is not accessible, and as a result, you can’t reformat it on Windows 10.

Repair USB flash drive from PowerShell on Windows 10

To repair a USB flash drive with PowerShell commands on Windows 10, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, open File Explorer and navigate to “This PC,” and you should now be able to access and store data on the removable drive. In the above command, make sure to change “6” to the disk number of the drive you want to repair. If you specify the number incorrectly, you could wipe out the wrong drive causing data loss. In the above command, make sure to change “6” with the disk number of the drive you want to repair and change “myUSB” with the name you want to use for the storage.

In the above command, make sure to change “6” to the disk number of the drive you want to repair and change “G” to the letter you want to assign to the storage. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.