If this is happening on your computer, you can troubleshoot and fix this problem in at least three different ways, including disabling hardware acceleration, changing graphics settings on Windows 10, or updating the graphics driver. In this guide, you’ll learn the steps to stop green screen while watching videos using Google Chrome on Windows 10.

Fix green screen videos using Chrome

Here are three ways to fix green screen in videos using Chrome:

Disable hardware acceleration

If you can hear the video audio, but the video player shows a green screen, one way to troubleshoot this issue is to disable hardware acceleration in Google Chrome using these steps: After you complete the steps, restart Chrome, and green screen in videos should no longer be a problem. Google Chrome settings menu Google Chrome disable hardware acceleration

Disable graphics performance

Windows 10 includes a feature that allows you to specify which GPU an app you should use. If you added Google Chrome to the list, chances are that you’ll see a green screen as you try to watch YouTube and videos from other sources. The solution to this problem is to remove Chrome from the Graphics performance preference settings page using these steps: Once you complete the steps, restart the browser, and the green screen while trying to watch a video should no longer be a problem in Chrome. Windows 10 display settings Windows 10 Graphics settings

Update graphics driver

If you must update your graphics driver, it’s recommended to check your manufacturer support website to download the latest version available, and use their instructions to update your system. To download and install the latest graphics drivers from Windows Update, use these steps: After you complete the steps, restart your computer, and you should now be able to play videos in Google Chrome without a green screen. Windows Update graphics driver update All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.